London Magazine

londonThis February Queen Elizabeth II is achieving 70 years of reign. She ascended the British throne on February 6th, 1952, at the age of 25. On the occasion of this jubilee we proudly present our LONDON MAGAZINE - designed, layouted and written by the students of the classes 3a and 3b.


Enjoy reading, watching and flipping through the pages!

Authors: Alexander Slama, Alina Krajasich, Amely Blank, Emily Hermann, Hannah Erhardt, Jana Stranzl, Jannik Kucher, Jason Tremmel, Lisa Lehner, Lucy Kroess, Marco Sommer, Mariella Schauberger, Maximilian Bier, Mona Lang, Natascha Gollubits, Pascal Schmid, Sinove Lucaciu und Sofie Pauletta

Editor: K. Reisner